Welcome Back: 久喜淳史さん(ジブチ)
Meet UN Volunteers from Japan
*English follows.
日本からの国連ボランティアとして、2023年から2024年にジブチのUNDP(国連開発計画)で活動した久喜淳史さんがUNV東京駐在事務所オフィスを訪問しました。久喜さんはジブチ事務所にてProcurement Assistantとして物資調達や人事採用を担当しました。その後、現在はUNIDO(国際連合工業開発機関)東京投資・技術移転促進事務所でTeam Assistantとして、以前国内自動車メーカーに勤務した経験を活かし、国内技術の海外移転をサポートするプロジェクトに携わっています。
We are pleased to ”Welcome back” Atsushi Hisaki, the former UN Volunteer from Japan, who served with UNDP in Djibouti from 2023 to 2024.
As a Procurement Assistant, he engaged in procurement and recruitment at UNDP Djibouti during his assignment. Consequently, he currently works as a Team Assistant at the Investment and Technology Promotion Office of UNIDO in Tokyo. His previous experiences and knowledge acquired at a car maker in Japan helps him implement the technology promotion project smoothly at his current office.
Atsushi’s UNV assignment was fully funded by the project “Support to UN response to water and food insecurity caused by climate change and drought in Sub-Saharan Africa through the deployment of Japanese specialists as UN Volunteers” supported by the Government of Japan.
If you are a former or current UNV Volunteer living in or returning to Japan, please stop by at UNV Tokyo Liaison Office! We look forward to hearing from you at unv.tokyo@unv.org.