Volunteer Story: 服部紗代さん(ガンビア)

Voices of UN Volunteers from Japan

*English follows.


服部さんは着任後、MHPSS & Peace Building Programme Officer(精神保健・心理社会的支援及び平和構築担当官)として、移住保健ユニットでのオペレーションや技術的支援、他国連機関や市民社会を含む関係者とのパートナーシップ構築に従事しました。具体的には英国ビザ申請者に向けた結核診断の実施、自主的にガンビアに帰国した移民への精神保健スクリーニングの実施及びそのシステムの再編成、心理教育セッションの提供やケースマネージメントのサポート、財務報告書の作成など現場からバックオフィスサポートまで幅広く担当し、限られた人員体制で質を担保した人道支援が提供できるよう業務の効率化と処理量の増加に大きく貢献しました。また日本人職員としての立場を生かし、日本大使館や日本企業の訪問対応、日本のドナーに向けたコンセプトノートの起草などにも取り組みました。

市民社会団体の若者ボランティアを対象に、移民のMHPSSに関するセッションを行う服部さん / Sayo, conducting a briefing session on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for returning migrants to youth volunteers serving at a Civil Society Organization (CSO) ©UNV, 2023



We are pleased to feature the former UN Volunteer from Japan, Sayo Hattori, who served with IOM in Banjul, The Gambia in 2023. 

Sayo pursued an MSc in Global Mental Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and King’s College London. After graduation, she worked on domestic public welfare programs at a foundation in Japan, and then transitioned to an international NGO in 2017, where she implemented humanitarian aid programs in North Africa and the Middle East. Throughout her career, she has been involved in several mental health initiatives, including suicide prevention and mainstreaming psychosocial support into education programs for refugees. Seeking to expand her experience in MHPSS from a humanitarian protection perspective, she applied for the UN Volunteer opportunity with IOM in The Gambia.

After successfully starting the volunteer assignment as the MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) & Peace Building Programme Officer, Sayo supported medical operations and provided technical assistance in Migration Health Unit, while fostering partnerships with MHPSS partners. Specifically, she contributed to health assessment operations for returning migrants and UK Visa applicants requiring Tuberculosis screening. Her responsibilities also included enhancing MHPSS screening processes, conducting psychosocial (PSS) sessions, and supporting MHPSS case management in close collaboration with protection team.  In addition, as the officer of Japanese national, she coordinated several mission visits from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Japanese private sector.

Since 2017 after Gambia’s political system changes, many Gambians, especially youths, have undertaken irregular migration in purist of socioeconomic advancement. Each year, more than a thousand Gambian migrants return to The Gambia from neighbour countries such as Niger and Libya. Through the Voluntary Return and Reintegration Support Program, IOM works closely with the Government of The Gambia to strengthen assistance for returning migrants to ensure sustainable reintegration, with a particular emphasis on protecting vulnerable migrants and tackling unemployment. In this process, IOM’s community-based MHPSS program has critical role to support migrants’ psychosocial recovery and resilience, helping them reintegrate into their community and become active members through community-led initiatives.

Sayo’s UN Volunteer assignment was fully funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan through “Program for Global Human Resource Development for Peacebuilding and Development.” Sayo is currently working in the field of MHPSS at UNICEF Jordan as Mental Health Officer through the JPO Programme.