Volunteer Story: 西山秀平さん(ウガンダ)

Voices of UN Volunteers from Japan

*English follows.

日本からの国連ボランティアとして2023年から1年間、ウガンダのUNHCR(国連難民高等弁務官事務所)ナキヴァレ事務所で活動した西山秀平さんの声をご紹介します。西山さんはAssociate Protection Officerとして、青少年参画プロジェクトのマネジメントや政府・地域住民を含む実施関係者とのパートナーシップ構築に従事しました。具体的には、未就学の青少年を対象としたスポーツイベントやタレントショーの開催など、青少年を対象とした多くのプロジェクトに携わりました。それらの活動により、参加した青少年は難民居住区内外の多様な背景を持つ人々と知り合う機会を得て、自己肯定感と社会的包摂感を高めました。

2023年8月17日、ナキバレ難民居住区ベースキャンプにおいて、UNHCR、OPM、パートナーが集まり、UNHCRサブオフィス長を主賓として迎えて国際ユースデーを祝福。様々なユースグループが日頃の活動成果や才能を発表。 / On 17 August 2023, Nakivale refugee settlement basecamp, UNHCR, OPM, and partners, joined by the UNHCR Head of Sub-Office as a guest of honor, gathered to celebrated International Youth Day. Various youth groups performed their achievements of daily activities and talents.  ©Andrew Lubega/ALIGHT, 2023

UNHCRがパートナー団体を通じて運営しているクリニックのモニタリング / Monitoring of one of the clinic in Nakivale Refugee Settlement. ©UNV, 2024



We are pleased to feature the voice of the former UN Volunteer from Japan, Shuhei Nishiyama, who served with UNHCR in Nakivale, Uganda from 2023 to 2024. 

As the Associate Protection Officer, Shuhei monitored youth engagement projects, liaising with implementation stakeholders including the host government and community members. Particularly, he was involved in a range of activities for youth such as sports match and talent show for peaceful coexistence and social inclusion for out-of-school youth. His involvement in these projects enhanced a sense of self-affirmation and social inclusion amongst the young refugees. 

Uganda is one of the countries that host the largest number of refugees in sub-Saharan Africa. One challenge Shuhei faced during his assignment was to timely grasp the situation in the duty station that dynamically changed on a daily basis. To better understand the operation backgrounds and ongoing trends, he coordinated the effective communications with his supervisor and experienced tea to adopt the operation of which he is in changes in a fast pace. 

Shuhei’s UN Volunteer assignment was fully funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan through “Program for Global Human Resource Development for Peacebuilding and Development.”