Volunteer Story: 飯干ノアさん(ケニア)

日本からの国連ボランティアとして、20233月から1年半、ケニア・ナイロビのUNDP(国連開発計画)Regional Service Centre for Africaで活動した飯干ノアさんが、国連ボランティアの経験を振り返りました。飯干さんは同事務所にてPeace and Development Analystとして、紛争予防にかかる国家の能力強化を目的としたUNDP-DPPA (Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, 国連政務・平和構築局) 共同プログラムに従事しました。具体的には、DPPAが主導する社会的結束の促進と紛争予防に対する意識向上を目指し、他の国連機関をはじめ、アフリカ連合、市民社会組織など多様なステークホルダーとの戦略的なパートナーシップの構築を支援し、ステークホルダー間の対話の機会の創出に貢献しました。

ナイロビ国連事務局の敷地内にて / At the United Nations Office at Nairobi ©UNV, 2024


ナイロビにおいて開催されたYouthConnekt Africa Summit 2023にて、UNDPの若者担当の同僚たちと。総人口の約60%を25歳以下の若者が占めるアフリカ地域では、平和への取組における若者の参画が重視されている。 / With UNDP colleagues in charge of youth projects at the YouthConnekt Africa Summit 2023 in Nairobi. In Africa, where young people under the age of 25 account for about 60% of the total population, youth participation in peace efforts is being emphasized. ©UNV, 2023



We are pleased to introduce our former volunteer from Japan, Noa Iiboshi, who served with UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa in Nairobi, Kenya for one and a half year from 2023.

As a Peace and Development Analyst, one of her engagements included partnership building between UN and various stakeholders, including regional organizations, governments, and civil society organizations, under the Joint UNDP-DPPA (Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs) Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention. 

During her stay in Kenya, she volunteered as a member of “Nairobi Atomic Bomb Exhibition Organization Committee” which operates with two main objectives. One is to establish a permanent exhibition of the impact of atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, at the UN complex in Nairobi just as the exhibitions already established at the UN facilities in NY, Vienna and Geneva.

Another objective is to share the voices of hibakusha, the people affected by atomic bombs. In this regard, the committee, consisting of volunteers from UN staff, hosted dialogue events with hibakusha from Hiroshima and Nagasaki and youth in Kenya and Rwanda in September 2023 and 2024.  

Noa experienced to study in the Republic of Uganda during her bachelor’s degree period. This experience gave her the opportunities to learn about the existence of child soldiers and sparked her interest in conflict and peacebuilding in Africa. After studying for a master’s degree and gaining practical work experience, she decided to apply for UNV as an opportunity to gain experience in the field through an overseas assignment.

Noa’s UN Volunteer assignment was fully funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan through “Program for Global Human Resource Development for Peacebuilding and Development.”